Deixa falar (1979)
35mm, 14’, color, sound

The film shows the conflicts between the residents of Cidade de Deus (a housing complex in Rio de Janeiro), from July to October 1979. The video mixes photos and images recorded on location to confront theory and reality.
Direction, script and production direction by Iole de Freitas; production by Corcina; photography by Mário Carneiro and Roberto Maia; sound by John Howard Szerman; editing by Ricardo Miranda. Filmed in Rio de Janeiro.

Artist’s private collection.
43ª Mostra Internacional de Cinema, São Paulo, 2019.

HOLLANDA, Heloísa Buarque (Org.). “Quase catálogo I: realizadoras de cinema no Brasil” (1930–1988). Rio de Janeiro: Ciec/Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ; MIS — Museu da Imagem e do Som do Rio de Janeiro; Taurus; Timbre, 1989.

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